Monday, June 1, 2009


Yesterday I went to church and we discussed how in this day and time we have begun to loose out "awe and wonder of God"  This touched my heart to its core.  I miss feeling at awe with God.  To soak his beauty up and wring it out to the people around me.  To be still and look at His wonderful Creation.  Pastor Brent talked about how in this "connected" world we have gotten disconnected with God's beauty.  When was the last time you looked up a t a night sky and felt tiny? We get so wrapped up in where we have to be, what we have to do, who we need to call, e-mail, text, chat or see.  We don't stop and look at God's creation and PRAISE Him.  
I am in awe today.  Today is a special day.  It is June 1st.  It marks a new month, new beginning, new sunrise and new sunset.  It is a beautiful day here.  
This morning I sat beside Abby's bed and looked at her sleeping.  Her soft wavy hair around her little pink face.  I listened to her breathing in and out.  She was so peaceful.  I then sang quietly - 
"you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray, you'll never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away"
How did my little sunshine go from this:

To this:

I am in AWE if God's amazing power to create such a beautiful soul who is 5 years old today! 

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made"

I ask all of you to stop and look at God's creation - and praise Him!!

Amy Quinn

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